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Essential Aftercare Tips for Long-Lasting and Luscious Extensions and FAQ

Lash extensions are delicate and need the right care. Whether it’s your first time having eyelash extensions or you’re a regular eyelash enthusiast, it’s important to remember all the tips that will help you take care of your lashes. Not only you will have best retention but it will also keep your natural lashes healthy.

How do you take care of your lashes? Here are some valuable dos and don’ts:.

DO’S and DON’TS:

  • Hands off, please. The more you touch your lashes, the more oils from your fingers might get to them, and this could affect the lash root. Do not play with or pick at your lashes. Avoid rubbing your eyes roughly, as it might really damage your natural lashes.
  • Avoid hot showers, spas, and saunas. This means don’t do activities that would make you sweat either They’re water-proof but won’t last as long if you go swimming or sit in a hot spa regularly.
  • Control oily skin. Make sure to use oil-free products on your face, particularly eye make-up removers and cleansers. Do not use cleansing oils, coconut oil, etc. on your face if you want the lashes to last.
  • Brush them to make them lush. Brushing your lashes regularly keeps them on point.
  • Cleanliness is next to godliness. Clean your lashes properly using a foaming lash cleanser.
  • Sleep on your back or side, and try to avoid rubbing your eyes against your pillows.
  • As much as possible, don’t use mascara.
  • Avoid using baby wipes, makeup wipes, or cotton pads to wipe makeup off them.
  • Leave it to the professionals to remove your lashes. Do not try to remove them yourself, as it may damage your natural lashes. Remember, Sweety’s SkinCare and Lashes is here for you. You may consult with us anytime.

Here are some frequently asked questions about eyelash extensions:


No, when applied correctly, understanding your natural lashes and selecting right lengths and thickness of eyelash extensions it won’t harm your natural lashes. Our experienced and certified lash artists prioritize the integrity of your natural lashes, ensuring no damage or breakage.
A full set typically lasts 3-4 weeks, depending on individual factors and maintenance. Refills are recommended every 2-3 weeks to maintain optimal results. How long does it take to apply them?

A full set can take anywhere from hour and half to two hours, while a refill can take anywhere from hour to hour and half depending on how many lashes needs to be re applied. Our meticulous process involves removing any grown-out lashes, cleaning them, and refreshing your look for optimal retention and extension.

Before your appointment,

  1. Clean your eyes thoroughly with an oil-free face wash or eye makeup remover.
  2. Avoid wearing any eye makeup.
  3. Do not curl your lashes.
  4. Avoid Drinking coffee or energy drink.
  5. Go to bathroom before your Appointment.

Finally bring your headphones to listen to your favorite book/podcast and relax while we apply extensions.And we have soft blankets too  please ask if you need one 🙂

Yes, you can wear makeup, try using oil free makeup around your eyes. If possible use Liquid eyeliner instead of pencil. And  if you decide to use mascara we suggest using non waterproof mascara.
Yes and No, it’s tricky. 5% of total population is allergic to the chemical called cyonoacrolate which is used in the adhesive used for eyelashes. If you are allergic in first 24 hours your eyes will be itchy, watery, red and swollen. If that happens we offer complimentary removal ( no refund) of lashes once your eyes are less irritated. There’s no way of knowing if you will be allergic beforehand unless we apply extensions.
Yes we do and if there is a special brand that you like , let us know we will special order it for you 🙂
Yes, We do. Again if anything special that you need please let us know ahead of time so we can order before your Appointment. We have Brown, purple and some other colors mostly available in stock.

In summary, proper aftercare is essential for maintaining the longevity of your eyelash extensions. Make sure to consult with us at Sweety Skin Care & Lashes.Keep your lashes lovely and luscious. Schedule an appointment with us at

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